Top Basketball Companies Producing Balls

In the world of basketball, especially talking about most important piece of equipment of this game – ball, there are several brands that are recognized very well and these are Spalding and Molten. We are sure that you have heard about them at least once in your life even if you are not familiar with basketball. We picked them as top companies who produce wide range of basketball equipment. Spalding and Molten are two acknowledged companies for making top basketballs to buy for any fan and various skill level players. They make not only balls but all the equipment for basketball including hoops, clothing and so on. Spalding is more recognized in the USA because it’s an official supplier of balls for NBA championship. Molten is better known in Europe as it’s an official game ball for many local leagues. Let’s take a look at each of them. (more…)


Why Euroleague is better than NBA

USA –  basketball homeland, and the eternal fashion-maker in this sphere. The best championship, the best players, the best TV-product – it is senseless to challenge all this. But whether there is something in what the Old World outdid ancestors of branch? We found at least four advantages of Euroleague over NBA. (more…)


Principles of success in basketball

In last articles, we considered recommendations and separate exercises for will power training. Today we will continue, and I will tell you about the interesting program. It is called “21 steps”. Everyone who though once tried “to start life with a clean slate”, knows how it is difficult to make it. To give up smoking, to begin running since morning, to cease to play at the night’s online games, the list can be continued indefinitely, after all there are so many things, to refuse from which extremely difficult. (more…)


Practical stamina workout advice

running manIn past article, I told you about the basic principles of will power, made some recommendations about its development. Today we will pass to a practical training, without what the theory loses any meaning. So, we will begin, exercises which will help you to train the will power are given below: (more…)


Basic principles of WILL power

The will, by the nature, is directed on overcoming of internal difficulties. That means complete control over itself, the thoughts and actions, feelings and reason. We after all know that at each person will power is developed in own way.

What is allocated with strong will, overcomes any difficulties on the way, it goes all the way to the planned purpose. To people with such will the following qualities are characteristic: endurance, courage, determination, courage, etc. And you can brag of some of them? Is not present? Then it will be useful for you to study material below.

As for people who are weak-willed, they give in in the face of the true difficulties, in own way tests. Is not enough for them, persistence, determination, they are not reserved, give in to momentary motives. And such from us, unfortunately, the majority. (more…)


Directions in psychological training of the basketball player

Hello, friends!

Today we will talk about 3 main directions in psychological training of the basketball player.

So, if you seriously decided to work on yourself, to you not to do without psychological preparation. And that training was effective, it is necessary to understand, in what directions it is necessary to work.

For convenience of perception I represented these directions graphically.

And now small explanations.

Emotions – it that often prevents the athlete to show worthy result. For work with regulation of emotions there is a set the psych technician, and we surely still will talk about them.

The logic is used often to affect an emotional state to or after competitions, and sometimes and during them.

For example: “I am perfectly prepared! Therefore, I have to win (to hammer that of points)”. Usually it almost does not influence an emotional background of the basketball player.

And all because emotions badly give in to logical influence. But also, there are special exercises which are capable to help the athlete.

Uncertainty of the athlete is always reflected in his actions.

It is often expressed in basketball that the athlete is afraid to take the lead. For example, does not attack itself, being afraid to miss on a ring and gives transfer to the partner. Or is afraid to go to pass, attacking from a distance. Uncertainty manifestations – a set.

And from the point of view of ACTIONS the recommendation is very simple:


  • Are afraid to shoot basketball – just shoot it!
  • Are afraid to climb in offense – go!
  • Certainly, you have to do it not thoughtlessly, and according to a situation.

At first will be very hard psychologically. You will be upset when it does not turn out. But each successful attempt will bring you into extraordinary delight and will motivate to work on itself further!

Personally, I witnessed more than once how the athlete started fighting against the fear and very quickly “began to enjoy” and started doing actively what earlier for some reason to do was afraid. Certainly, for strengthening of effect it is necessary to use all these 3 composed psychological training of athletes. Today we considered only one of the directions. In the subsequent releases, we will talk about two others.


How to focus on the game only

Subject about which we will talk today – concentration of attention leads to becoming a better player. As the attention and will power are closely interconnected, working on concentration, you will develop thereby and strong-willed qualities. For a start let’s check how affairs with concentration are at you.

Take hours with a second hand. Relax. Now watch closely the movement of a second hand and do not distract on foreign thoughts. As soon as switch to something another – look what is the time you held on. Good result – 2 minutes.

If there are no hours with a second hand – it is possible to take the electronic. Open a stopwatch and choose there the timer with an hour hand and to put it for 2 minutes. (more…)


Motivation psychology in basketball

A lot of things in sport depend on motivation. In career of each basketball player the motivation of achievements plays large role. “What such motivation of achievements?” – you ask. I will try to answer with one offer is an estimated behavior of the player which aims his motives at a victory and avoiding of failure. That is, each player possesses ability to be anxious for bad results and vice versa to rejoice to the achievements. And here it is capable to connect these qualities not everyone. Prevalence of one of these motivational tendencies is based on an initial choice of the purpose. (more…)